- 臺灣新當選立法委員林昶佐說:「香港、臺灣,可以互相啟發。香港朋友請不要感到孤單,全世界進步力量都和你們站在一起。」
- 他聽完愛因斯坦的演講後,就想:我能不能夠完成也許連愛因斯坦也完成不了的工作呢?…這就是愛因斯坦發現廣義相對論的故事。
- 7月,朱日和基地軍演又有類似台灣總統府的建築物曝光,馬英九問習有關導彈問題,馬說習近平回應指這些部署是整體性的,非針對台灣。
- "* * *The photographer who had been photographing Churchill o…
- Henri Bertrand, a French general who accompanied Napoleon to…
- Is it not true that the conscience of police officers should be t…
- The Battle of Brienne, fought in January 1814, followed on the he…
- "My faith,* gentlemen," Napoleon said to them, "that is your affa…
- 問:嶺南大學中文教授陳雲說:「香港社會一直翻譯英文的common sense做『常識』,是誤導的翻譯。常識是common know…
- In April 1812, British soldiers took from the French the Spanish …